Filmmaker of the inspiring film „WEIT“. A documentary which tells the authentic story of a journey around the world, he made with his girlfriend Gwen and later joined by their new born son. They travelled with little money and without going by airplane. On their journey they asked people the question: „What means home to you?“
The encounters with people from all over the world and their own experiences and reflections of travelling are captured in their film and magazine „WEIT“.
to hear my son laughing
to see my girlfriend
to walk barefoot.
to talk with good friends the whole night long
my Family, whereever we are.
to watch cold rain from a warm place through the window.
the Sound of the cukcuk
the four Seasons i know from the place i grew up.
When I hitchhiked through New Zealand and a man took me with his car. He ask me what I will do after the trip.
I told him that I would love to start an internship in a Television Station. He told me that he is the owner of such a Station and invited me straight away to start an internship in his Television Station. I spend 10 weeks with his Team. it was the start of my passion for filming.
Traveling through Pakistan. I realise (once more) that I should not trust my prejudices. I was amazed by the huge and deep hospitality. People who suffer and live such a tough life, share their house, their food, their privacy without any doubt.
Pasqual's question: What would you do, if money wouldn't matter? Why don't you do it?
In these days, "no Money" would be very hard to imagine. Our whole system is based on it. Allmost everything leads to it. Sometimes even friendships or important relationsships.
This can be very sad. And crazy, especially if I think that money is often only a couple of virtual numbers in my bank account. There is allmost no day without dealing with money.
What would I do, if money wouldn't matter?
Probably go back to the roots. Without money, trading goods and skills would get a new respect, or better: an old respect, that it already had many years ago where money did not have the influence it has today.
Before the middle Age, People shared their goods and ability in their villages. Their was no need for money, their was no indirection with something else.
Wool against corn, security against food, whatever. The daily life and the society was less complex than it is nowadays, more direct, better to understand, more regional!
With no money I would try to step back in those systems, would try to share my skills, my belongings. On our trip around the world, we often worked for board and loge. In more than 10 projects all over the world. Everywhere it was based on "no Money". We gave our help: Our strenght in wood hacking, our patience in gardening, our skills in creating and editing films and documentarys.
In direct exchange we received food and accomodation. These personal trades felt very healthy and respectful.
In my future I want to live more like this. In a deeper connection to the goods and values around me. I imagine to live in a community, where everybody gives his skills, his passion, his creativity, his strengh to the project, without earning money for that. I imagine that place to have less need for money.
Nevertheless I would say that "no money" would not be the solution for a better world. The world is not a village anymore, the globalisation reached almost everywhere. Today it would be difficult to trade things around the world directly with others goods or skills. Less money could be a good start.
Giving money less value, giving money less focus and importance is something I would appreciate. It could create a more regional and fair together.
Patrick's question: Imagine yourself 30 years ahead from now. What would a perfect day look like for you?
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